Psylluim Industrial Kha-Kha Powder

Common Names of Psyllium :

Flea, lspaghua, Spogel, Plantago Psyllium, Isaphgol, Plantago sp., Isabgula, Plantaginis Ovatae Semen (Semen Plantaginis Ovatae), Semen Ispaghulae


Botanical Names of Psyllium :

Plantago Ovata, Plantago Ispaghula


Psyllium Kha-Kha Powder can be used for the construction of pathWAY, courts, car parks, cycle paths, schoolyards and all other path surfacing used in garden design and Application.


When psylllium seeds are processed to make psyllium husk, the extraneous material left is termed as Psyllium Kha-Kha Powder i.e. Psyllium Industrial Dust. It is byproduct of psyllium husk.



Mainly use to prevent landscaping, soil erosion.


Used as animal feed.